In continuation of strong academic collaborations between India & Mexico, another MoU was signed between UNAM's Institute of Chemistry and India's Doon University. Such agreements will further enhance research, academic exchanges, scholarship programs & benefit our academic communities.
Doon University has a collaboration with International Centre for AI and Cyber Security Research and Innovation Asia University CCRIAU, Taiwan in the field of artificial intelligence, cyber security, machine learning, internet of things, computer vision, health care, mobile security, cloud security, adversarial machine learning and various other domains of computer science. MoU has also been signed for enhancement of academic and research collaboration between the two institutes in the academic field of AI and Cyber Security. This cooperation enables the researchers of Computer Science Department of Doon University to get international level training in Taiwan. CCRI Asia University Director Professor Brij B Gupta is hopeful for organizing an International Conference in cyber security and AI domain in Doon University in collaboration with Asia University Taiwan. This collaboration will pave the way for Doon University to participate in conducting academic activities with other prestigious universities of the world level. It is likely that Doon University India and CCRIAU Taiwan will allow exchange of in-house developed software and other materials, technology and components in areas of cooperation, if permitted under the regulations governing both the institutions.
Doon University has a collaboration with Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC). RSC has launched a joint initiative entitled “RSC-Doon University: Chemistry in Industry”, a forum for Academia-Industry Dialogue. This joint program was inaugurated by Dr. N. Kalaiselvi (Director General, CSIR and Secretary, DSIR, Government of India on 21st February 2023. This forum is facilitating the University to establish and enhance Industry-Academia linkages, to identify the gaps between academic research and industrial research in various fields of chemistry through discussions and interactive sessions, to understand the needs and hot & emerging areas of research in the/of the industry for the next decade, and to explore the possibilities for joint collaborative and multidisciplinary research between an academic institution (e.g., Doon University) and Industry.
Doon University has collaboration with Banakar Consulting Services (USA) in the field of IPR. This collaboration enables Doon University to organize series of workshops for the researchers (including faculty members, students and researchers) to provide continuous update and upgrade of knowledge base in the field of IP, to offer Certificate Professional Advancement Programs (CPAP) - courses of varying duration for students and faculty enrolled at Doon University and other institutions across Uttarakhand State to obtain training and direct experience (“field work”) in the areas of intellectual property rights (IPR), regulatory affairs and product development, and also to provide Intellectual Property (IP) Services for IP generated through research work.
Under this collaboration, Doon University-Banakar Centre for IPR shall be established jointly by Doon University and Banakar Consulting Services USA at Doon University Deharadun by Uttarakhand in the near future. This center will have the objective to serve and promote awareness of IPR within the academic as well as technical/scientific centers/organizations (including the MSME sector) of the state of Uttarakhand. It will also work to ensure the emergence of Doon University as the academic center for IPR, initially for the state and then for the neighboring states in the years to come. This center will also work to integrate IP in the academic curricula of DU as well as those at other universities in the state. It will also provide IP services (advisory, clinic, etc.) to institutions, professional associations, research centers, professional technical programs (engineering, health sciences, pharmaceutical sciences, agricultural sciences, etc.), MSMEs, among others, within the state. The presence of this center may enable DU to emerge as a model university that encompasses IP as an integrated part of the academic curriculum.
Doon University signed Memorandum of Understanding with Indian Institute of Technology (I.I.T.) Roorkee. The ceremony took place in the Director’s Office of I.I.T. Roorkee. Prof. Surekha Dangwal (Vice-Chancellor, Doon University) told that this MoU will beneficial for the collaborative research and development in the areas of chemical sciences, material science, syntheses of hydrocarbons, catalysis, organic syntheses, physics, management, economics, design, mathematics, biological science, computer science, and artificial intelligence, machine learning, geology, environmental science, etc. In addition, research projects of mutual interest, especially in technologies for rural development and organizing joint conferences and seminars focused on technology development for rural areas, joint research work on Indian Knowledge System and women empowerment will also be carried out jointly by both the institutions” I.I.T. Roorkee is only 60 kilometers far from Doon University. Hence it is easy for both the institutions to sponsor or support research/student projects and practical training of the students, joint guidance of students’ dissertations, and utilization of scientific and technological infrastructure. The MoU was finalized in consultation with Prof. Akshay Dvivedi, Dean, I.I.T. Roorkee. Prof. Dangwal is extremely happy to learn a lot about the work being carried out in I.I.T. Roorkee under the leadership of Prof. K.K. Pant. Prof. Prakash Biswas, Head of the Department of Chemical Engineering, highlighted some of such works. Dr. Sai Ramudu Meka (Associate Dean of Sponsored Research) mentioned that Prof. Pant has also expressed his desire to extend the support of IIT Roorkee to Doon University through its incubation center. Prof. R.P. Mamgain (Dean, School of Social Sciences), Dr. Arun Kumar (Head, Department of Chemistry) and Ms. Dhriti Dhaundiyal (Head, School of Design) were also available from the side of Doon University in MoU signing ceremony. Prof. R.P. Mamgain expressed his pleasure on the possibility of visits of researchers of Doon University in their respective R&D facilities/Lab facilities