Doon University is a residential University. Students are expected to stay in the Hostel unless permitted otherwise. The students are encouraged to stay in the Campus as they will be required to participate in group discussions and attend tutorials after the regular classes are over which will help the student to clarify any doubts in the courses and improve their interpersonal and communication skills. There are separate hostels for girls and boys. The hostels with single accommodation for each student are provided with modern facilities. All students residing in the Hostel are to abide by Hostel and Cafeteria Regulations/Rules. The students are not permitted to keep firearms and music systems. They are also advised not to keep jewelry, camera and heavy cash with them in the Hostel.
Banking facility with ATM will be available at the Campus very soon. All the students are required to carry their identity cards all the time.
Adequate medical health facilities will be available to students at the Campus very soon.
Extracurricular activities/ Games and Sports/Cultural activities The University will encourage participation of students in sports and games for which adequate facilities will be available. Extracurricular activities such as literary, cultural, social, film, etc. are organized at the University level.
For any general queries related to hostel, contact caretakers of respective hostel:
For any URGENT queries related to the hostel, contact the warden of the respective hostel: