The Library has a moderate collection of books, which includes textbook, reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc. The collection is focused on the courses studied at university. The books are available in both the section of the library for study. For collection building, the library is following a focused collection development policy which covers all areas studied at the University.
to search the Library database and access your library account click OPAC click here (username & password required)
For video tutorial of OPAC, please click here
For the list of latest procured books, please click here
The List of newly procured titles can be downloaded from here:
[Nov-2015], [Dec-2015],The Library subscribes to a total of 77 scholarly Journals and Magazines (45Journals and 32 Magazines) covering a wide area of subjects, these are available for study in the Periodical Section of the Library.
For A-Z list of Magazines, please click here
For A-Z list of Print Journals, please click here
A MoU has been signed by the University and UGC-INFLIBNET under which the University has received the access to the following full-text e-journals and databases;
For A-J list of e-journals received through INFLIBNET, please click here
For K-Z list of e-journals received through INFLIBNET, please click here
For Subject wise A-Z list of e-journals received through INFLIBNET, please click here
A-Z list of J-Gate click here
For remote access of e-resources of the library. Use the below link with login and password
To make the user aware of the latest information and activities of different fields the Library is subscribing all the major Hindi and English Newspapers.
For A-Z list of Newspapers, please click here
Bound Journals Volumes are the most valuable treasure of any academic library, the Central Library also understand this fact and accordingly maintaining different back volumes of journals, these are available in the reference section of the library.
Library is maintaining a number of CD-ROMs, in its circulation section, the majority of these are received with different books. These CD-ROMs contain software, design, data table, exercises, problems and their solutions, projections/maps, and the like. Apart from these, there are a number of CD-ROMs useful for learning different languages.
Library maintains these CD-ROM with the help of CD-ROM equipment, a title and subject wise index is also maintained for the easy retrieval of CD-ROMs.