Books which includes General books, Textbook & Teacher reference, and CD-ROMs can be check-out (issued) from the circulation section.
Reference books, on the other hand, can be used in the Reference section only, and are not for general issue purpose, however, one can check out reference books for an overnight period only. Reports, Theses and loose issues of periodicals must be used in the Reference Section only.
Firstly, check the availability of the document in the Library through OPAC, a link of OPAC is available on the Library page of Doon University website. Note down the call No of the book. (Call No consist of some numbers and some alphabets)
Secondly, find the call no written on the spine of a book in the open stacks of textbook section (books are arranged in the classified order on the stacks i.e. 100 then 200 then 300 and so on). Bring the book to the circulation counter.
Thirdly, get issued the book(s) on your library account using your Library card at the Circulation Desk. Fourth, check if you have received the SMS and e-mail of Check-out of the book(s).
It is to protect you against false issuing of documents against your account (which is a possibility). Availability of your details helps the Library to cross check the issued books..
The book(s) may be returned (check-in) during the circulation hours. Always verify your account with the library staff to ensure safe return. Also, check that you have received SMS and e-mail of returned books (check-in).
Due to less number of copies of each title, the library is not providing renewing facility as yet, However, one can re-issue the same book after 4 hours/after lunch/or next day; this gives others a fair chance to get issued the same book.
Regularly check your library account through OPAC, this provides all the details of your library activities, Also, check the due date slip fixed on the last page of every book, this slip contains the due-date of every book. Library also sends an automatic email alert of the due date. But ultimately it is the responsibility of the borrower(account holder) to remember the due date of the book(s).
The late fee is Rs.5/- per day per book for one month and thereafter, Rs.10/-per day per book. Do collect the receipt of the fine from the circulation counter after depositing the fine.
The book may be in use by the another member, or it may have been put aside, such as waiting to be shelved/ missing/ lost or disposed. for such query please, contact the staff of the library.
Yes, students can also suggest a book(s) for procurement, complete a 'Requisition Form' get the form forwarded by the HoD and handover it to the Library staff.
Procurement of such request may be made after checking the duplication and analysing the scope, coverage and possible users of such book.
Yes, the Library has access to thousands of e-journals of different subjects. One can use these journals through university INTRANET. For more details and list of e-journals and database please, visit the library page of Doon University website.
Immediately report to the Circulation section and replace the latest copy of the book or deposit the double the cost of the book.
Immediately report to the Circulation section about the loss of your ID card and also inform the nearby Police station this will prevent any misuses of your ID card. One can take a new ID card after writing an application in this regard and depositing a fee of Rs.100/= for the charges of the new ID card.
Ask the Assistant Librarian or make a call on 0135-2336126. Answers will be provided as soon as possible.