- Education: M. A. (JNU, New Delhi), M. Phil. (JNU, New Delhi), Ph.D. (pursuing from JNU)
- Email: basu.swagata@gmail.com
- Phone: +91 8057794025
- Area of Specialization/Interest: Migration, Identity and Nationalism in Literature and Culture of Spain and Latin America, Contemporary Spain and Latin America (Society and Politics), Spanish literature of 19th and 20th century
IRINS Profile
Best Five publications in last five years:
- Basu, Swagata (2012) “‘I’ am made by my ‘Other’: Migration, ‘Others’ and Identity in contemporary Spanish novels”. Problematics on Ethnicity, Identity & Literature (ISEIL-2012). Ed. Anooradha Chakrabarty Barua & Hemanta Kr. Nath. The Sibsagar College, Joysagar, Assam 2012. Pg.20-25. ISBN: 978-81-924140-5-8
- Basu, Swagata (2013) “Mahi’s overweight body and her desire for a prince charming: An assessment of the de-stereotyping efforts in and the reception of the TV show ‘Mahi Way’” in De-stereotyping Indian Body and Desire Ed. Kaustav Chakraborty. Camdridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne. 2013. Pg. 135-148. ISBN: 978-1-4438-5253-1
- Basu, Swagata (2016) “Should those graves be dug up? Debates over historical Memory in Contemporary Spain”. Hispanic Horizon (Journal of CSPILAS, JNU). No. 33. 2016. Pg. 33-41. ISSN: 0970-7522
- Basu, Swagata Kumar (2017) “Ideas on Nationalism in Tagore and Unamuno: A comparative Study” in Tagore and Nationalism Ed. K. L. Tuteja and Kaustav Chakraborty. Springer Nature. Pg. 285-297. ISBN. 978-81-322-3695-5
- Basu, Swagata (2017) “Quijotismo en Santa Teresa and Mysticism from Modern Perspective” in Lo divino y lo humano: poetas místicos de India y de España en la modernidad temprana Eds. Meenakshi Sundrial and Juan Manuel Escudero Baztán. Pgs.147-157. (Conference Proceedings) ISBN. 181-901849-9-7