- Education: Ph.D.
- Email: dr.shivani@doonuniversity.ac.in, shivaniverma407@gmail.com
- Area of Specialization/Interest: Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Green Chemistry, Ionic Liquids, Nano Catalysts, Biological Active Molecule, Computational Chemistry, Agrochemicals, Green Pesticides, Pesticides Chemistry, Residue Chemistry, Environmental Analytical Chemistry
IRINS Profile
Best Five publications in last five years:
- Discovery and optimization of lead molecules in drug designing, S. Verma, R.K. Pathak, Bioinformatics: Methods and Applications, 2022, Elsevier, 253-267
- CoONPs@CoCh- A Recyclable Catalyst for One-pot synthesis of Triarylpyridines, A. Agrwal, S. Verma, V. Kumar, S. Bhandari, S. Juneja, V. Kasana, Organic Preparations and Procedures International, 2022, DOI: 10.1080/00304948.2022.2132806
- Synthesis, Molecular docking and extensive structure activity relationship of substituted DHP derivatives: a new class of Herbicides, A. Agrwal, A. Verma, N. Chantola, S. Verma, V. Kasana, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B, 2022, DOI: 10.1080/03601234.2022.2062188
- TBAVIL@nano-SiO2 as an efficient and recyclable catalytic system for the preparation of naphthopyran derivatives, S. Verma, S. Verma, A. Agrwal, V Kasana, Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 2023, DOI: 10.1080/10406638.2023.2217989.
- Graphene-based nanocomposites: An efficient detoxification agent for heavy metal removal from wastewater, S. Verma, S. Verma, T. Das, B. Verma, Indian Journal of Chemical Technology, 2023, 30, 411-422