- Education: MSc (JNU, Delhi), Phd (IIT Delhi)
- Email: vsharma.ph@doonuniversity.ac.in
- Area of Specialization/Interest: Computational Materials Science, Optimisation and parallelisation of atomic simulations techniques, Machine-learning based modelling, Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, Biophysics, Nonlinear Dynamics.
IRINS Profile
Awards & Honours:
- • H. C. Gupta and V. Sharma, Lattice dynamic investigation of the Raman and infrared wavenumbers of orthorhombic R2BaNiO5 (R=Y, Gd) oxides in Immm structure, Journal of Raman spectroscopy 38, (2007) 245
- • T. Morawietz, V. Sharma and J. Behler, A neural network potential –energy surface for the water dimer based on environment-dependent atomic energies and charges, Journal of Chemical Physics 136, (2012) 064103
- • H. C. Gupta and V. Sharma, Lattice dynamic investigation of the Raman and infrared wavenumbers of orthorhombic R2BaCuO5 (R=Y, Ho, Gd) oxides, Journal of Raman spectroscopy 36, (2005) 83