The Department of French and Francophone Studies also encourages learning of language and cultures through numerous extra-curricular activities, for instance, celebration of traditional festivals of France and Francophone nations, such as Fête de Saint-Nicolas (a pre-Christmas festival). The International Francophonie Week is organised by the Department as its annual attraction to promote French language and Francophone cultures. Last year’s theme country of the event was Belgium and the country of honour for this year is Canada (Quebec). Moreover, events like movie screening, book festival (Lire en Fête) are also held from time to time in order to impart intercultural competence as well as linguistic competence amongst the students. Educational/field trips are also organised to motivate learning in real and authentic situations.
Dr Christopher Gibbins, Consul General of Canada and Ms Marie Doublier from Embassy of France with students and faculty members during a seminar organised on “Multiculturalism in Canada” as part of International Francophonie Week 2017.
Celebration of Semaine de la Francophonie 2016 (Francophonie Week)
Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, First Secretary of the Embassy of Belgium, First Counsellor of the Embassy of Senegal and Professors from the Haute École Libre Mosane de Liège inaugurating Francophonie cultural event “Espaces de Liberté”.