- Name: Dr. Vipul Goswami
- Designation: Assistant Professor & HOD
- Education: PhD (Centre of German Studies, JNU, New Delhi), MPhil (CGS, JNU, New Delhi), MA (CGS, JNU, New Delhi), PgD in Applied Linguistics (Hindi) (Kendriya Hindi Sansthan, New Delhi)
- Email: vgoswami@doonuniversity.ac.in
- Area of Specialization/Interest: German Linguistics, Fremdsprachendidaktik (Language Teaching
Methodologies), Translation Studies & Interpretation
- Name: Mr. Chandrika Kumar
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Education: MA (JNU, New Delhi), M. Phil. (JNU, New Delhi)
- Email: chandu_jnu@hotmail.com, ck@doonuniversity.ac.in
- Area of Specialization/Interest: Representation of India in German Literature (Poetry), German Literature of the period around 1800, Genre Studies, Teaching of German as a foreign language (DaF)
- Name: Ms. Priyanka
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Education: MA (KUD, Karnatak University Dharwad, Karnataka) B2, (Max Mueller Bhavan, New Delhi)
- Email: prynka.arya@doonuniversity.ac.in
- Area of Specialization/Interest: German Language, Literature, Gender Studies