Research comprises creative work undertaken systematically to increase knowledge, including knowledge of man, culture, and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications. The department of Computer Science aims to establish state-of-the research facilities to foster creative research work in diversified domains of Computer Science such as Cloud Computing, Cyber Security, Privacy and Forensics, Internet of Things, Block chain, Data Science / Big Data (Datamining), Wireless Networks, Machine Learning (Deep Learning), Image Processing, (Computer Vision), Natural Language Processing (NLP), etc. The faculties of Computer Science are engaged in research through international collaborations and are working on emerging research challenges.
Currently, the department has established an Advanced Cyber Security Research (ACSR) lab to carry out cybersecurity-related research activities supported by projects funded by national funding agencies:
Towards pursuing these projects, an advanced Cyber Security Research Lab has also been established in the department.
An authored book on Cloud Security: Attacks, Techniques, Tools and Challenges by the faculty of the department has also been published by reputed publication house Taylor & Francis. The department run some security courses as well such as Cloud Security.